Southern women, northern women, women in the east and women in the west enjoy riding their horses in the woods, hills, streams and rivers. SSHBEA, Spotted Saddle Horse Breeder's and Exhibitor's Association has a sport horse division where horses are judged jumping logs, basic trail riding and manners. Basically, off-roading on a horse!
But you don't have to be a part of any association to ride the trails nor do you need a spotted horse. Just a good broke horse will do. One that will carry you through the paths, into the clearings, through the streams and back into the woods.
Off-roading via horseback is one of the most enjoyable experiences! A little mud along never hurt any girl.
This is Freda Bullard, on the cover of the SSHBEA magazine.
But you don't have to be a part of any association to ride the trails nor do you need a spotted horse. Just a good broke horse will do. One that will carry you through the paths, into the clearings, through the streams and back into the woods.
Off-roading via horseback is one of the most enjoyable experiences! A little mud along never hurt any girl.
This is Freda Bullard, on the cover of the SSHBEA magazine.